
Safety, Security, & a Family Atmosphere

At EduKick Mexico participants are accommodated at the home of EduKick Mexico Technical Director Armando Cosilion and his family or other local host families in the area. we are very proud of our standard of host families. We have taken time to find the best possible families to welcome you and look after you during your stay. We hope that you will have a happy and memorable time with your host family. They have a responsibility to try and make you feel welcome. You also have a responsibility to be a good guest!

Participants have their own bedroom complete with desk and chair for study. All meals (Breakfast, lunch & dinner) are provided by the host family. 24/7 welfare and safety is provided by the host family and transport the participant to all of the program venue locations.

Communications and Reporting:

Excellent communication and reporting.

Soccer Academies Communications and Reporting
EduKick International Soccer Academies prides itself on excellent communication and reporting.
All of our participants are provided with language progress reports. EduKick USA Year-long student-athletes will receive three (3) technical soccer evaluation reports and three (3) academic reports (from the affiliated educational institution) throughout the duration of the academic year course. EduKick International Soccer Academies also provides periodic behavioral/social updates from our Directors in the field. These reports are designed to serve as “updates” on general group activities, excursions, special events and any particular issues that may have transpired. The reports are often accompanied by digital photos or video clips that are emailed to parents for their review and enjoyment.

Free Football Advice – Have A Question?

EduKick is happy to help you with any questions or concerns regarding international fooball academies or anything “football” in general. Complete the form below, and an EduKick agent will review it and get back with you!

Enquiry Form